Kyung Chang Industrial will become a reliable enterprise through Creating Shared Value(CVS) of customers and local communities for sustainable growth and will do the best for growing and developing together with local communities.
Basic Ethics of Executives and Employees
All executives and employees establish their right values as Kyung Chang people by following the philosophy of Integrity and complete their missions by achieving self-improvement and doing jobs fairly.
1. Basic ethics of executives and employees
2. Mission completion
3. Self-improvement
4. Fair job execution
5. Mutual relationship of executives and employees
Customer Ethics
Kyung Chang Industrial always respect customers’ opinions and receives customers’ trust by perceiving that customers are the cause and objective of the company’s existence.
1. Customer respect
2. Customer satisfaction
3. Protection of customer profit
Purchase Ethics
Kyung Chang Industrial establishes mutual trust and cooperation and pursues communal development through transparent and fair business in order to make all transactions even.
1. Observance of transaction regulations
2. Pursuit of free competition
3. Fair trading
Ethics for executives and employees
Kyung Chang Industrial respects all executives and employees as humans and their privacy, and treats them fairly according to their competency and achievements.
1. Fair treatment
2. Development of human resources and promotion of creativity
3. Improvement in the quality of life
Ethics for the nation and society
Kyung Chang Industrial contributes to local economy development through reasonable and responsible management and fulfills its responsibility as a member of local community.
1. Development of local community
2. Safety, risk prevention, and environmental protection
3. Harmony of labor and management
4. Social contribution